Public Seminars

SEM Entrepreneurs

Students are guided
and motivated

Entrepreneurs are

30 Seconds

Knowing Mr.Charania

Analyzing and coaching entrepreneurs on varied aspects of business management and leadership; Aslam Charania has had the front row seat to the mistakes, learnings and development of entrepreneurs across various niches, also an author for four Books that talks about the real-life stories of successful SME entrepreneurs.

Today, with this collective experience of coaching and addressing entrepreneurs and managing over 100 consulting assignments, Aslam Charania has streamlined his services to actualise the dreams of committed entrepreneurs and help them grow exponentially.

Aslam Charania Initiatives

Lets’ make your business grow exponentially!

The Virtual CEO or the VCEO is an exclusive service and Mr. Charania is the first and the only person offering this service in the entire country.

As your virtual CEO, Mr. Charania offers business development and management services to entrepreneurs with bold visions and unconditional commitment to actualise their business dreams. This is an exclusive service offered to select SMEs who aspire and are dedicated to bringing in 100X growth in their company’s valuation.

Business Stories is a digital platform that is a congregation of real-life stories of successful SMEs, social entrepreneurship, techno-preneurship, women-preneurship and more with the intent to inspire and educate founders and leaders; current and future entrepreneurs of all types of business enterprises.

The vision behind this platform is to develop it as a ‘digital open university for Entrepreneurship’.

A business model and a syndicate of investors that accumulate capital from various investors to fund a few select SMEs and business ideas. These selected SMEs have the future projection of exponential growth and also the ability to impact many lives.

The SMEs that are considered for such investments are completely evaluated and thoroughly vetted by Aslam Charania and his expert team. All the projects onboarded here will be projected for IPOs.

Leap Circle is an aggregator platform where the entire SME ecosystem is put together to help streamline unorganized businesses and to aid them to achieve rapid growth. This application is a one-stop solution where everyone from service providers to entrepreneurs can register themselves and can help each other for the smooth operations of their businesses.

Services like coaching, staff training consulting, mentoring, resources like funds, manpower and others shall be available on a single platform. By registering themselves, members will be able to keep up with the market, avail low-cost convenient solutions, and offer community support all at the same place.

The Change India initiative focuses on creating awareness among SME entrepreneurs and students about the powers and impact of the rapidly changing world economy due to industry 4.0 technological developments.

We will deliver free seminars to SME entrepreneurs and students in their last year of graduation or their master’s program to help them creatively leverage these technological developments and gain a quantum leap in their careers.

Under the Change India initiative, we have addressed more than 50,000 entrepreneurs and over 25000 students to date.

quotes by Aslam Charania